Youth Exchange, Antalya, Turkey
Defying Norms: Embracing Diversity and Self-Love in the Era of Social Media

In today's digital agе, social mеdia has bеcomе a significant sourcе of information for young pеoplе, including content related to body image. On onе hand, it offеrs valuablе rеsourcеs promoting body positivity and sеlf-accеptancе, empowering youth to develop a positive body image through sеlf-lovе. Howеvеr, instant access to such information also brings negative consequences, such as cybеrbullying and harmful comparisons, leading to sеvеrе mental health issues among young individuals.
Youth Exchange

18 - 27. October .2024 Including Travel days
Project Context
Covid-19 pandemic has caused a great deal of changes in the world. It may be said about the economics, culture and arts in the same way. These spheres were badly affected by the pandemic that also caused unemployment hazards. Sub-sectors of these fields were differently affected, especially those activities that were conducted onsite. Young people’s employment in cultural sectors was in danger, as cultural workers were not well-prepared. Young artists were particularly endangered, because they could not realize themselves during the lockdown due to strict and urgent regulations of the pandemic; therefore, they had to reject their activities. No doubt this virus has affected young people in regard with mental health, i.e. how they think, feel or act. Moreover, the coronavirus has become a part of our lives and it still is not going to leave us. Young artists should find particular ways to adapt to a new reality and to perform their work. y in the labor market and create opportunities for positive social change in youth artists' lives

During a special evening, we will share characteristics from our culture. We ask you to bring food and alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks and magnets to share! You can also think of some other things to share with the group from your culture: stories, dances/songs, etc. Please do not make only PowerPoint presentations or country promotion videos, as it would be best if you can share something in your own words and with physical examples if you can. By the way, presenting something from your culture does not mean it has to be something about only the country itself: it can also be from a specific region or a city, etc. As we are trying to collect special and different magnets from each city and country to make an international wall we would like to have one magnet from your hometown as well. We would like to see your impact on our organization to remember you through your magnet. Turkey, a country that occupies a unique geographic position, lying partly in Asia and partly in Europe. Throughout its history, it has acted as both a barrier and a bridge between the two continents. Turkey is larger than some European travel countries such as Italy, France, Germany, and the UK. Turkey offers a wealth of destination varieties to travelers: from dome-andminaret filled skyline of Istanbul to Roman ruins along the western and southern coasts, from heavily indented coastline against a mountainous backdrop of Lycia and wide and sunny beaches of Pamphylia to cold and snowy mountains of the East, from crazy "foam parties" of Bodrum to Middle Eastern-flavoured cities of Southeastern Anatolia, from verdant misty mountains of Eastern Black Sea to wide steppe landscapes of Central Anatolia, there is something for everyone's taste. The westerly region of Turkey's Mediterranean coastline is especially popular. There are abundance of beach kinds such as Rocky, sandy beaches as well as pebbly beaches especially around the Konyaalti Bay. With a particularly diverse landscape, it is actually quite feasible to enjoy a morning swim, and then head to the Taurus Mountains for a spot of skiing in the afternoon at the neighbouring resort of Davras. Antalya's historical Old Town area known as Kaleici. It offers beautiful harbour views and is surrounded by medieval fortified walls, which date back before both the Roman and Byzantine periods and have been restored many times. Currently it is the fastest growing city in Turkey. Besides, Antalya enjoys an idyllic climate for a good deal of the year and much tourism. Interesting fact about Antalya: Around 300 days of the year are sunny, the sea temperature never goes below 15°C and in the summer is around 28°C. Weather: The climate in Antalya is warm and temperate. The winter months are also sunny most of the time. However it is also rainy and the rains are so dense in winter times. Health & safety: Tap water is not drinkable. Besides, Antalya is very safe to visit, with a low crime rate and a high safe index. Adrasan is a heavenly place located near Kumluca, about 50 km. from Kemer. The 2 km. beautiful golden sandy beach,the nature, mountains with pine forests at the background make Adrasan one of the most beautiful places in Kemer, Antalya. Adrasan is located on the west of Kemer. Tahtali Mountain is the highest mountain closest to the sea on the region with an altitude of 2365 metres, and accessible by Olympos Cable Car from Kemer. If you follow the Adrasan coast, you may also see.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.” Dates: 27.10.2024-05.11.2024 Location: Kemer, Antalya, Turkey Number of participants: 40 Type of the project: Youth Exchange Partners information has to be changed according to project Armenia / 5 participants - 275 EUR Sweden / 5 participants - 360 EUR Finland/ 5 participants - 360 EUR Georgia/ 5 participants - 275 EUR Netherlands / 5 participants - 360 EUR Italy/ 5 participants - 309 EUR Romania/ 5 participants - 309 EUR Türkiye/ 5 participants - 20 EUR
Important Note: According to the Erasmus+ rules only the reasonably cheapest tickets can be reimbursed. Likewise, as only public transportation tickets will be reimbursed, taxi costs are not included in the budget.
The transportation in Antalya stops from midnight (00.00) until morning (05.00). Please plan your arrival and departure accordingly!
It is very important to keep all the tickets and boarding passes and make a copy or photo of them! We need it for reimbursement.
We are going to refund your travel costs according to the limit of your country, based on the InforEuro exchange rate valid in the month of purchasing the tickets.
To successfully get the full travel reimbursement all the groups SHOULD PROVIDE : A) TRAVEL
TICKET. B) BOARDING PASS C) TRAVEL (FLIGHT TICKET) INVOICE (otherwise the travel will not be
Do not forget to keep the original versions of your boarding pass cards (you can take a picture of your card
just in case but we need the original cards). Also, if you have connection flights please keep the boarding
pass cards of those connected flights, as well.
For the return flights, we will request pictures of your boarding passes as some airlines companies keep
the boarding passes in the airport. That’s why PLEASE DO NOT FORGET
(please note that you should give your boarding passes and your invoices that state your expenses for the
travel latest until the second day of the training to the management of the project. The expenses that are
without invoices will not be added in your reimbursements).
1 2
From the airport, you can either take the bus (the
number 600) or take the tramway to otogar. The
transportation finishes at 00.00 please plan
your arrival and departure accordingly. The final
destination of the bus with the number 600 is
Otogar (the bus terminal). However, the Tramway
is faster than the bus. For either option, you
should have an Antalya Kart. Please read the
details about Antalya Kart at the 17th page.
When you reach to the otogar you should walk to
“İlçeler Terminali” and ask them how to go to
Kemer. They will show you.
There you can take the minibusses written
KEMER on them with the capital letters. Please
note that the final bus departs from the city
center at 22.15, please arrange your travel
plan accordingly. The price approximately costs
around 3€ (100 TRY). You can drop off from
the busses at the Kemer Saat Kulesi /Kemer
Watchtower stop point. Page 15, there is a
route for the project venue
Located on the center of Kemer, Antalya.
The hotel has its own pool and you can reach the beach by walking from the Hotel.
The hotel has a garden and a terrace where you can have a pleasant time.
There is free wifi available in the hotel.
Three meals and coffee breaks are also available at the hotel.
The tram and the bus schedules are the same, they are available between 05.00- 00.00. For the
routes and schedules, it is useful to download the AntalyaKart application to your phone. 1 ride
usually costs ~1€ (or ~25 TRY) . You can obtain AntalyaKart from a card automat, card center,
or dealer, which will cost you ~2€ (or 50 TRY). Besides, the automats won’t give money back,
instead, the change will go on your balance. In order to insert money from automats you need
to have cash otherwise you cannot use your credit card for payment. However, in the
application, you can recharge your card by credit card. Yet, do not forget to approve the payment
on the machine the bus has, by clicking “online yükleme” to officially use the money that
you charged by credit card.
+995 571 45 20 98
+31 6 84215688